Throughout my work in Acer, I have been wondering about computer systems. Well, not exactly the kind of questions that one normally asks. It's not about how certain software or hardware works, but rather the most basic idea:
What exactly happens at the most basic level? How do tangible things, metal parts, wires all work together to produce something complicated and intangible like what appears on the screen?
Of course, we take everything we see on the monitor screen for granted. I scrutinize the internal system, and all I see are simple computer parts. Physical parts that can be easily manufactured. But somehow there is some sort of transcendence there. From simple metal parts to... images, videos, movement of the mouse, typing of the alphabets etc.. How does that happen!?!
We all know it has to do with binary, the "1"s and "0"s, but aren't you amazed at how it works? I'm amazed at how people first thought of the computer idea.
Then I liken the computer system to our own body system. Like the computer, we are all made of simpler physical things called cells, which are made of molecules. Somehow these molecules and cells all add up together to form one big part that's me... Isn't that amazing by itself? And to add to all these, I am also a thinking and spiritual person. I have intangible thoughts, motives, emotions, affections, desires that have transcended from mere physical things.
If the human mind that makes, explains, constructs and troubleshoots the computer system is so much greater that the computer system, I shudder at how much greater the Divine Mind is that created the human mind!
"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
- Isaiah 55:9
Arrogance & Eloquence
9 hours ago
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